Monday 21 November 2022

15/11/22 dry enough to dig!

Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Jon Riley, Stu Lindsay, Duncan Butler - didn't have caving kit but helped Stu a bit at surface. 


Having had a reasonable amount of rain last week, we assumed the dig would still be wet. Sent James and Mike down to look and they reported about 4" water in the bottom and perfectly diggable. They went back in to dig and Estelle & Jon helped with the hauls and carries to stage it and then we all moved up. Stu and Duncan started working on the wall preparations at the top, Estelle had brought some cement and Mike some sand, but not used tonight. There is a need for lots of rebar and mesh to build a fronting wall to make it all safer in there. Headed to Waldy after. 

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