Thursday 10 October 2013

Tuesday 8th October

Estelle Sandford, Stu Lindsay, Mike Moxon
Estelle cleared the debris from the last bang which hadn’t been as effective as the first bang last week in that one hole hadn’t done much but the other appears to have shattered a channel going towards the pond side. Much of the rest of the time was spent beating the rock around the hole in the floor with a hammer and bar while Mike digging hole 6 and Stu hauling for both digs. After about an hour or so, the hole was big enough to get her lower body in, but not quite to pass the arms/shoulders, so Stu had a little go at bashing it before Estelle had one final go and then managed to get into the hole. There is a shelf covered in debris about 2.5ft own which makes it not too bad to get out of the hole, but basically you can drop down about 3ft to the floor and sit down. To the left is floor pendant that is very sharp and attacked oversuit and in front slightly right in the roof is another pendant that should come away with a hammer. To the right again is a channel in the floor continuing to two holes in the floor and the roof above is where the shattered channel is heading. The two holes are about 4” and 6” diameter respectively but with the floor and roof pendants, it’s not possible to get access to it yet. The entrance hole needs Dr Nobel to enlarge it to make it so we can work in there and it is basically a shelf which is about a foot or so deep of solid rock. Some photos taken by Estelle.

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