Wednesday 9 August 2023


Estelle Sandford, Jonathan Riley, Adrian and Jack Miles

Adrian and Jack were given the 2 dig sites and they set to filling the buckets, did one round of 32 and then took down another 12 as we were being so efficient and quick tonight! (One more bucket now died, so we're down to 31) Adrian dug the right hand one, bringing down more from the alcove, still a fair bit to go, not totally clear yet whether it is just an alcove or more. Jack dug forwards and continued on at the same level, very compacted spoil in that part. There was also some left over spoil at the start of the pool and by the hole in the floor from Mike last week. At the start of digging, Estelle put the conveyer belt back over the hole, the water was visible and probably only a foot or so down into the hole. Waldy after to meet James who was working late.  

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