Wednesday 23 August 2023


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Jim Hayward, Jonathan Riley, Duncan Butler

Jim and Mike digging, Jim going forwards and Mike digging off to the right. Right is looking more to be an aven, albeit still going up and probably still has a couple of sessions worth of digging out the spoil to reach a conclusion. Forward is still looking interesting and heading into more of a tube at the moment, although need to confirm the floor has been reached below. Is now a good body length past the hole in the floor now. First 31 buckets filled and transported up to the top railway and then all headed up to finish off the haul and empty them, then went back in for a second round of 31 and repeat. Finished just before 9pm and went to Waldy. 


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Jonathan Riley, Adrian and Jack Miles, Duncan Butler, Stu Lindsay, Mike Moxon
2 hours
Jon and Duncan worked the end digs, Duncan on the forward one and Jon in the right side alcove/aven. 8 meant it was possible to get the spoil all the way out, but it was hard work as everyone had to cover more ground to do it. The mud was sticky so didn't empty easy either. First 31 buckets filled and then a further 24 were sent down in 6s until it was pub time. Right side looking more and more like just an aven now. Forwards is smaller than we're used to, but still plenty of compacted spoil coming out. Headed to Waldy. 


Wednesday 9 August 2023


Estelle Sandford, Jonathan Riley, Adrian and Jack Miles

Adrian and Jack were given the 2 dig sites and they set to filling the buckets, did one round of 32 and then took down another 12 as we were being so efficient and quick tonight! (One more bucket now died, so we're down to 31) Adrian dug the right hand one, bringing down more from the alcove, still a fair bit to go, not totally clear yet whether it is just an alcove or more. Jack dug forwards and continued on at the same level, very compacted spoil in that part. There was also some left over spoil at the start of the pool and by the hole in the floor from Mike last week. At the start of digging, Estelle put the conveyer belt back over the hole, the water was visible and probably only a foot or so down into the hole. Waldy after to meet James who was working late.  

Friday 4 August 2023

1/8/23 unseasonably wet!

Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Jonathan Riley, Stu Lindsay


Mike and Jon digging the end 2 digs, the water levels were up as it has rained so much recently and the pool chamber had the grill underwater again, plus some big pools at the dig end which needed draining to dig. The hole in the floor is still draining but quite slow, not sure if we've quietly blocked it with spoil or whether it is due to the extremely high water levels for time of year. 32 buckets filled and then moved out of the cave and emptied in stages. Mike also had a go at clearing the hole and also cleared some mud around what looked like it could be a boulder above the hauling spot for the grill, but confident now it's wall. 

Having emptied the buckets, we headed to the Waldy. 

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