Tuesday 6 December 2022

6/12/22 glug, glug, glug

Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Fran Campbell, Stu Lindsay


Estelle went in to dig, the grill was a good 6inches or more above water, but the pool at the end was not that much lower than last week when Mike W was digging. Estelle set to filling buckets, pool lapped the top of wellies a few times and meant wet socks... Everyone was underground as there wasn't enough to move to the surface. Still easy digging and around 10 buckets before the end, Estelle put a crowbar under a rock in the floor and there was a very audible glug, glug, glug and the pool started draining. This continued and then a hole in the floor appeared with a pool/passage below. Much of the remaining buckets were filled with the gloopy mud in the pool with a little digging around the hole. The hole itself is around 4 inches wide by 8 inches long at present. It isn't clear if when the spoil/boulders are removed we can get in without chemical persuasion, but on arm length plus crow bar, it wasn't possible to reach the water below quite. Dropping small rocks into it gave a good sploosh, so think it's got some depth. We will no doubt find out more in the coming weeks as we make the hole bigger. 

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