Sunday 25 September 2022


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Stu Lindsay, Dave Walker


lean on people so we decided some maintenance work was tonight's project. Stu, James and Mike stayed top and raised the ladder by two layers of bags, plus tidied up the stone by the railway haul. We need to fill in the big hole and then a winter project of wall building probably will happen unless we are lucky enough to have a dry winter again... 

Estelle & Dave filled some bags and with rocks, underlaid the grill in the dry pool chamber to make a haul, then tested it with 6 skips and 2 bags and still replace the maillons on the ladder that are knackered. No obvious sign of floor near the end of the dig. Need some knotted rope next week and normal rope around 10m length for that haul now. Also needing to get some 5gallon drums for skips as we're down to our last!

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