Thursday 27 August 2020


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Jonathan Riley, Dave Walker, Stu Lindsay, Mike Moxon

2hrs digging with an extra hour for Stu

Stu arrived early to cap some boulders in the chamber at the end so we can clear the floor. He’d just about run out of drill power/caps by the time we all arrived at 6:30. Jon went in first and smacked up some rocks making them small enough to fit in the skips, most of his session was rocks, then James went in and cleared more rocks and headed into removing some mud too. Finally Mike went in for the last session and mostly clearing spoil from the end wall and noted there seems to possibly be an inlet or aven above too. All easy digging and still nice and dry at the end. Headed out 8:30ish to pub.

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