Wednesday, 20 February 2019


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Jonathan Riley, Dave Walker
16 skips each, having to stage it as low on numbers, but all worked hard and dig continues looking good and going forwards. The puddle didn’t need any pumping tonight, but is still there. We do need to try and dig down a bit but this obviously has the risk of bringing the puddle nearer the dig face, right hand wall is cutting across a bit and there are two quite large boulders to the left which will need to make friends with Dr Nobel at some point.


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Dave Walker, Jonathan Riley
Dig needed pumping tonight, so first 30mins or so was getting it to a point where it was possible to dig. Once drained enough, Dave got in there and started digging until he’d run out of buckets and around then the pump reached the maximum it could pump out. Jon and Mike followed and did the 16 skips each too, then it was pub time!

Sunday, 10 February 2019

6/2/19 from Mike Moxon

Jon, Dave & I built a wall of sorts on the top step before retiring to the Hunters. The end pool had risen enough to cover far end of grill, but only just.


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Jonathan Riley, Dave Walker, Stu Lindsay
Good session, although hard work with only 6 regulars now. Really could do with recruiting a couple more in order to make the work easier. We still did about 80 buckets of spoil though and bagged some of it on the surface to continue the wall building. Steady progress forwards, the passage has widened considerably and due to the ‘puddle’ we’re not going down as much at the moment, so not sure what depth we have, there is a large boulder to the left looking straight on which once all the spoil moved around is likely to need some Dr Nobel’s.  Little rain since the last session, so the pump wasn’t needed tonight.

15/1/19 from Mike Moxon

15th Jan - Jon, Dave & Stu did some cementing on the steps. I removed a couple of tubs worth of loose spoil from the end, cleared a tub of silt from the hole & widened the connection to upper passage.

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