Wednesday 8 February 2017


Written by Duncan Simey - Estelle and James skiing so not around!

Productive session at Cutlers last night with Mike Moxon, Leonie, Jon, Suvi Miri Pihlaja and Stu doing electrics above ground.
The team worked in the right hand dig continuing last week's effort.
The layer of black/red/yellow clinker has largely been removed. Underneath that is approx 6 inches of bright pink bubblegum (a sod to dig out). We dug a hole through the bubblegum and hit a large flat rock surface with a trickle of water running across it. We tried to look for a join between the flat rock and the wall in case it is floor, but we ran out of time.
We also attacked the far wall of clay. The expected ceiling continuation didn't emerge. Instead, we have what could be the start of a round tube promising an easy horizontal crawl onwards.
The air was in tip top condition with no mist all evening and a noticeable constant drift towards the entrance. Breathing at floor level still looked like it was heading towards the entrance. It seems it is coming in from somewhere and is not recirculation.
Stu says the clinker is not iron - he is working out what it is.

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