Thursday 20 September 2012

Wednesday 19th September

Estelle Sandford, Mark & Jo Denning, James Begley, Neil Walmsley, Henry Dawson, Ben Wetherill, Mike Moxon, Leonie Woodward

Kevin back from his holidays and seemed quite impressed with our progress in the dig and has moved our spoil heap so we've clear space to dump again. Provided us with coffee again as well. :-)
Mark got there early to make a start on getting the stemples resined in for our fixed ladder. Once he was far enough down to not risk dropping the hammer on anyone's head, Henry and Ben made a start digging while the rest of us hauled and dumped the spoil. Too many tonight really so Mike and Leonie took bucket and spare rope and started digging out the middle hole (the last one to be opened a few weeks back). Good progress in main dig still with lots of mud coming up. James and Neil took over for their half hour stint and were starting to hit more rock at the bottom and then Mark and Estelle took over for the last stint. Rock has now been hit on the hedge side with a small gap under which we can throw a small stone down and it drops a few feet, indicating some cavity below although this is currently inaccessible with rock in the way. Any mud at the level of the rock is very wet. On the nearer side to the hauling, there is still quite a bit of yellow clay (probably from pond lining) to come out before we make a decision on whether we need to consider some Dr Nobel's linctus to adjust the rock! Probably one more session to decide that. There is a large rock that needs breaking up to remove anyway from the main dig and Mike and Leonie after removing quite a bit of spoil also have a rock requiring extraction.
We are considering setting up another tripod frame over another of the holes so we don't waste resources when we have a good sized team turning up most weeks and while we suspect they all join up, who knows unless we try!

More photos added to album from tonight -

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