Thursday 9 August 2012

Wednesday 8th August - A frame in place...

Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mark Denning, Mike Moxon, Henry Dawson, Stu Lindsay, Tim Large and Trevor Hughes went over to White Pit to retrieve the capstan winch and A frame for relocation to Cutler's Green. Good job there was 8 of us for this job as that winch is very heavy. We used slings and 2 of the A frame legs to spread the weight between us carrying it across the field. After loading it into Mark's van, Stu, Trev and Tim went to Caine Hill and left us to take the winch. Thanks to them for diverting from important bag hauling exercise to help us out tonight!

The 5 of us then went over to Cutler's Green and after Mark, Mike and Henry had a good first look around at the holes, we made the decision to put the A frame over the hole nearest the top corner of the field, which appears to have the most solid walls and the A frame fits neatly across. The one quite large loose boulder at the top was dislodged by Mark into the hole to make safe and we proceeded to get the winch / A frame set up. Our reasoning for not setting up over the big hole that the pond had disappeared down was that would require more engineering to get started so we can plan to get a platform set up and built over the forthcoming weeks/months, but at least we can start digging immediately on the hole we've chosen.

The winch and A frame were ably put over the hole and Henry then dropped down into it and we removed the rock, plus a little more spoil before heading to the pub - a massive 4 skips of rubble! But we're started and that's the important bit.

Kevin was unavailable this evening and next digging session is planned for next Wednesday evening - meet at the dig around 6:30pm onwards. 

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