Tuesday 28 March 2023

21/3/23 back underwater again - unseasonably wet weather!

Estelle Sandford, Jon Riley went underground, also Duncan Butler, Mike Moxon and James Begley turned up. 


As the first two dressed for underground, Estelle & Jon went in to check water levels. It was backed up on the floor to the usual sit point for the middle drag run, so dig completely submerged at the moment. The rains recently have been heavy and ongoing forecast to be bad for the next week, so suspect we won't get back into the dig for at least another couple of weeks.

Thursday 2 March 2023

28/2/23 Back Digging

Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Mike Moxon, Stu Lindsay, Fran Campbell, Duncan Butler


Estelle went in to dig and after clearing a bit of slump on the right of the hole in the floor, started working on going straight on ahead. Tried to avoid dropping mud into the hole, we need to cover it whilst digging, maybe bag of bags, or will cut a bit of conveyer belt to bring over. It is easy digging and since popping over Sunday, the dig water level has dropped by about another foot. As low numbers, had to all come up to complete emptying so we finished at 35 buckets and went to the Waldy. We need a longer pokey stick for a couple of loose looking rocks and try and remember some conveyer belt too.

26/2/23 Water levels dropping nicely

Estelle Sandford


put oversuit on top of clothes and went to check the state of the water levels. The pool with the grill had dropped to nearly dry and the hole in the floor had around a foot or so of water above it. All means good to go with digging Tuesday.

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