Sunday 29 October 2017


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Duncan Simey, Dave Walker, Jonathan Riley
2hrs 15mins

Good session of digging, annoyingly having to use bags as not enough of us to use the buckets. The bags are getting really sticky and heavy, we need to create a washing/drying line for them or recruit more people to make sure we have at least 6 each time! We all did around 10 bags each, a few rocks came out also. We will need to plan in a bit of a ladder lifting evening soon but need to get some more brewery bags before then to use to fill the hole with. 


James Begley, Duncan Simey, Miri Simey, Dave Walker, Jonathan Riley, Simon Flower
filled lots of buckets each after emptying the bags out at the start from last week. 

Saturday 14 October 2017


Blog from Duncan Simey
Attended by Jon, Dave, Stu and I - All last week's bags were emptied and packed back up to go straight back down the dig. We managed to get 44 filled bags back to the start of the ropeway. One more person would have made a heck of a difference
Passage is obstinately still going straight on


Blog by Duncan Simey
Last night was James, Jon, Dave, Stu and myself and we filled nearly 50 bags and stacked them in the entrance. They will need emptying next time.
Opinion is split about what the passage is doing. James thinks it might be about to turn to the right, Jon points out that it is still in a dead straight line. I wonder if it is starting to twist from an upright passage to being off-vertical. Either way, it is still going along the joint between the grey and red rock and the air at the dig face was mist free. There was a trickle of water in the passage last night which was seeping in from the full length of the joint on the left hand side and not from the entrance. It's all looking very promising.


Blog from Duncan Simey
Good session last night - James, Mike, Jon, Dave, Leoni and myself.
Tidied last weeks digging. Approx 24 bags hauled from storage at the start of the ropeway and approx 12 bags in a wall at the entrance. All bags are currently empty and laid out for 'cleaning'.
Approx 70 buckets removed and everybody got a turn at the dig face. About half the spoil went into sacks walling in the bottom of the ladder, just a few more and we can raise the ladder.
Most of this weeks digging concentrated on the roof, which is high enough that at one point Leoni was digging standing up. Still another session needed to clean the roof out properly.
Passage still looks like it is going straight ahead.We ought to start a betting book on how far the passage will go before it changes direction.

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