Sunday 21 August 2016


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Duncan Butler, Stu Lindsay, Duncan Simey
Estelle was late getting there down to work, but the others got stuck in and lots of progress made on the middle of the digs. Slight draught and easy digging in the mud and rocks. Duncan B had a dig, followed by Estelle and then James. The mountain outside is getting greater!


Estelle Sandford, Duncan Simey, Mike Moxon, Jackie Bishop, Anya Keatley, Mike Waterworth

After Mike M had shown Jackie around as her first trip, they joined in digging and we were digging from both digs and clearing the spoil - good progress in both cases. The spoil mountain is getting higher and higher! Ladder work for new staircase had to be delayed as too much rain and it would have been dangerous working near the edge. Hopefully next week... 


Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Stu Lindsay and Mike Moxon
Mike had arrived earlier and gone in on his own to the top end dig at the very top. James and Estelle arrived and Kevin showed off the new staircase he has acquired for putting in there instead of the dodgy ladder - like a stairway to heaven or something... Anyway plan for as many as possible to arrive from 6pm next week to try and install it.

Stu arrived soon after and we headed down and removed all the ceiling rocks we could between the 3 of us that were on the floor from last week's effort. Stu then set to capping the last 3 big ones that were too big to move while Estelle and James dug in the bottom hole. Mike continued to dig the other dig on his own. Estelle removed 2 large boulders from the wall in the bottom dig also. We then joined Stu and assisted clearing the remaining broken up rocks before pub called. Quick look at the end seems to be draughting from the right... Mike thought the dig he was working on at the top was draughting from the left and it's very close to this dig as the survey showed.  

19th July 16

Estelle Sandford, James Begley, Duncan Simey, Mike Moxon, Stu Lindsay, Sarah Payne

digging in usual middle hole, starting to get drier mud in general and still pulling out reasonable sized water worn cobbles and rocks from the floor. About 2.rds of the way through the session started to look at a rock in the roof above the dig and thought perhaps it might not be so secure, so made the decision to gently bar it and see what happened - it came down rather easily! We then decided to have a go at a few more bits of the roof that appeared to have gaps or looked like they were being held up by mud cement! Quite a lot of the roof brought down. Cleared some of it and then Mike had a final go at it and we'll have a proper look next week for safety and remove what's there. 3 large rocks need capping. 

Tuesday 12th July

Present: James Begley, Duncan Butler, Mike Moxon (?) and special guest Jon Riley.

Estelle was away with the puffins at Skomer, so it was a reduced team to go digging at Cutlers, boosted by the arrival of a guest digger, Jonathan Riley. Whilst James gave Jon a guided tour of the dig sites, the others started to clear the spoil left over from the previous weeks session at the middle dig site. James and Jon then went to the lower dig site and moved some mud and rocks, whilst the others continued to work at the middle dig site until the call of the beer at the Waldegreave Arms became too strong and we left for some refreshment.

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